Saturday, August 24, 2024



Legislation was recently proposed in Missouri that would limit the salary of public school superintendents to no more than 5.5 times the minimum salary of a beginning teacher. According to the Fox news affiliate in Kansas City, the minimum salary for a first-year teacher in Missouri is $40,000.00. That means the highest salary a superintendent could earn under this bill sponsored by State Representative Ben Keathley (R) would be $220,000:

Naturally, the Missouri Association of School Administrators opposes the bill (what else might one expect?). So we have to ask, does education improve when administrators--who generally do not teach a single class--get paid more? Most readers will surely be able to answer that question for themselves.

Interestingly, there is currently a shortage of superintendents, or at least a perceived shortage, despite the large salaries and generous benefit packages, golden parachutes and promises of an early retirement. The issues in American education have possibly discouraged applicants. But is the solution to that problem simply to throw yet more money into the hands of a few? Many communities already bestow salaries on their superintendents far in excess of the limits proposed in the Missouri legislature. Taxpayers might be surprised. The bottom line:  Are we receiving our money's worth?

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