Wednesday, September 18, 2024


Although we don't normally think of teachers in private practice--self-employed, in other words--in actuality it can be a very rewarding way for teachers to do what they are trained to do. The image of a teacher tied to a particular school building or site, answerable at all times to a bevy of administrators and imposed policies, is a common and often accurate perception, but it is not the only model for successful teaching. 

Music, dance, arts, crafts, martial arts instructors, coaches and many others are examples of teachers in private practice. The advantages are numerous:  

1. A teacher in private practice is freed from a wide range of bureaucratic entanglements that are pervasive in our public school systems.

2. Self-employed teachers are free to follow their own agendas and are not bound to the agendas of their supervisors and administrators. However, self-employed teachers do need to be attentive to the needs of their students and clients.

3. The income derived by independent teachers is far more likely to be merit-based than in schools that are tied to union policies.

4. A self-employed teacher is under no obligation to be "certified" (or "certificated," the bizarre term employed by school districts these days). This means that a self-guided teacher is free to design his/her own path to acquiring necessary expertise in a chosen field. It is not even necessary for an independent teacher to hold an actual college degree, so long as that person can demonstrate competence.

5. Disciplinary issues are generally much decreased in a non-conventional classroom setting.

6. Independent teachers generally find themselves to be doers and demonstrators of knowledge or skills rather than simply emcees for video instruction and textbooks. They will teach by showing as well as explaining. (Ever notice how many public school physical education instructors never demonstrate techniques of swimming, tennis, soccer, etc.--for obvious reasons--but instead can only rely on explaining what needs to be done? Independent teachers, on the contrary, are expected to fully demonstrate what needs to be done.)

Of course, there are drawbacks to being self-employed: financial security is not automatic, resource tools may not be readily available. At the same time, sometimes the rewards might be far greater; some music teachers might earn very little independently, but some command very high hourly rates. However, any individual considering a commitment to educating others might want to carefully weigh out the advantages of selecting a personalized path to achieving their goals as educators. Knowledge--and its dissemination--is too important to be under the control of any sort of oligarchy.

Wednesday, August 28, 2024


One more story from Missouri:

Controversy erupted recently in Kirkwood, MO, an affluent suburb of St. Louis. At an evening meeting at Nipher Middle School designed to introduce parents to the school curriculum for the coming year, a Palestinian flag was prominently displayed on the wall of social studies teacher Jason Kipp's classroom. Although the Jewish population of Kirkwood is not large, it so happened that one parent in attendance was a descendant of Holocaust survivors, along with her daughter who was scheduled to be a student in Kipp's class (she was later removed). She asked if the flag of Israel could also be displayed, but Mr. Kipp refused, and then added fuel to the fire by making a remark to the lady about "your version of history." Understandably, the lady was upset and complained to the school administration. Since then, meetings have been held and school district administrators have attempted to address the conflict, but anger remains.

It is difficult to understand why a teacher of middle school students would refuse to allow students to learn about both sides of a controversy; if he is convinced that he is correct in his opinions, then he should have no fear of presenting an alternative viewpoint and allowing facts to speak for themselves (although one wonders at this point if the facts would be presented fairly). 

After the attacks of 9-11, the government and citizenry of the United States encouraged study of Islam in order to understand the thinking and real or perceived grievances that led to such a vile act. Government policy did not seek to punish an entire people or way of life. Regardless of which side an individual supports in the Middle East conflict, it is shocking that a teacher would openly side with one side, and it is equally shocking that his employers would allow that to happen.


Saturday, August 24, 2024



Legislation was recently proposed in Missouri that would limit the salary of public school superintendents to no more than 5.5 times the minimum salary of a beginning teacher. According to the Fox news affiliate in Kansas City, the minimum salary for a first-year teacher in Missouri is $40,000.00. That means the highest salary a superintendent could earn under this bill sponsored by State Representative Ben Keathley (R) would be $220,000:

Naturally, the Missouri Association of School Administrators opposes the bill (what else might one expect?). So we have to ask, does education improve when administrators--who generally do not teach a single class--get paid more? Most readers will surely be able to answer that question for themselves.

Interestingly, there is currently a shortage of superintendents, or at least a perceived shortage, despite the large salaries and generous benefit packages, golden parachutes and promises of an early retirement. The issues in American education have possibly discouraged applicants. But is the solution to that problem simply to throw yet more money into the hands of a few? Many communities already bestow salaries on their superintendents far in excess of the limits proposed in the Missouri legislature. Taxpayers might be surprised. The bottom line:  Are we receiving our money's worth?

Tuesday, August 20, 2024


Question:  The U.S. Department of Education has added a new layer of bureaucracy to many aspects of education. It is difficult to argue that education has improved in the years since the Department was established. If the Department were to be abolished, then more control would be granted to states and local authorities. But would we then find ourselves in the position that each local authority might eventually develop vastly different curricula for core subjects? Books that are read and studied in Idaho might differ greatly from books that are studied in New York. Would we still be able to establish commonality in our shared heritage? Projecting further, could an engineer/doctor/teacher/researcher from one part of the country offer vastly different techniques and opinions than a counterpart raised in another area, and would that be a good thing, or not?

Local control is necessary in order to honor the freedom of stakeholders to chart their own destiny, but how do we ensure that knowledge and skills are properly inculcated?


Friday, August 16, 2024


Probably all of us have experienced meeting a "well-educated" person, laden with degrees, who somehow just doesn't seem to know what he/she is doing. And yes, many of those individuals can present glowing credentials, stellar recommendations and degrees from "prestigious" institutions. This brings us to the question:  Does the possession of a degree indicate competency in a given field? Sometimes yes, but clearly, sometimes no.

Sometimes, too, the completion of practicums, internships and such experiences as "practice teaching" fail to demonstrate the familiarity that we would expect. So how do we establish competency objectively? Should we rely on standardized testing--which also leads us to wonder if curriculum in a given field of study or profession should be standardized as well? Many grassroots educational reformers feel strongly that curriculum control should emanate from the local level (school board, local advisory committee, university department, etc.), but we then face the dilemma that varied curricula can lead to varied levels of competency.

And perhaps the basic question for our times might be:  Do we best help the underprivileged and underserved segments of our society by lowering standards, or by marshalling our resources so that the underprivileged gain the intellectual and critical thinking tools they need in order to demonstrate a uniform level of competency?

Many of us feel that education is currently in crisis in the U.S. and across the globe. For that reason, education will become a central topic on this blog in future posts, although not the sole topic. May we all live, learn and grow to the best of our abilities!

Thursday, August 12, 2021


To those who were blessed to receive an education that included basic reading, writing, mathematics, history and at least a smattering of the arts, it might seem like a shock to learn that this summer Governor Kate Brown of Oregon signed Oregon Senate Bill 744, which abolishes competency in core subjects as a requirement for graduation from public high schools in Oregon.  Proponents of the bill lobbied for it in the name of "equity" for minority students, but it is difficult to understand how such a bill will would help any student of any background.  Some even view this law as a direct assault against minorities, whose innate abilities might now be dismissed as a result of a largely Caucasian legislative body's attempts to downgrade education and academic accomplishment.

To be fair, the law holds place for the next five years and then will be subject to review, but the harm that it could potentially generate could last much longer.  Tragic that the very institutions that were granted the sacred task of imparting knowledge are now working against it.

It is imperative that we ALL learn as much as we can about our schools, even those who have no children, because their lives will be impacted as surely as children's lives.  We should all study the funding, the curriculum, the training of teachers, the philosophy in place, the percentage of funds spent on administration and non-essential expenditures.  It is our right and our duty.

Wednesday, August 11, 2021


Imagine a small plot of land, maybe a suburban front yard or back yard, or maybe even just a few square feet, filled with a rich variety of plants, selected perhaps only by their immediate appeal to the gardener.  The planting space is crowded and perhaps not well-planned, but it provides a feast to the eyes and the nose, and energizes the surrounding area with an infusion of oxygen and nourishment for wildlife and humans.  This new (or old?) approach to gardening is being popularized by John Marino of St. Louis, Missouri, and is little by little capturing the attention of gardeners both in the Midwest and elsewhere.

When John acquired the suburban house left to him by his parents, he began to sample the joys of gardening more intensively than ever before.  He planted evergreen bushes, roses, flowering trees, hydrangeas and a host of other species.  Although his property was spacious enough for a suburban location, his appetite for new varieties of plants quickly began to soak up the available space, and perhaps the spacing may not have been ideal to an experienced landscaper.  However, the myriad assortment did provide privacy, cleaner air, little spots to lose yourself as you wandered through the front and back yards, and perhaps an air of mystery, somewhat like a small enchanted forest.

In time, a professional landscaper up the street from John's home became inspired and began to apply John's notions to his own property and to adventurous clients who wanted to make the most of their own properties.  Eventually some of John's friends and associates also decided to become more experimental in their own garden design and implementation.  A local psychic even commended John for fostering an "energy vortex" through the pairing of majestic trees of various species side by side.  If you think about it, Mother Nature herself adopts a very pragmatic--and oftentimes crowded--approach to filling spaces on our planet with as much vegetation as possible, paying no heed to any sort of principles of garden design.  Now we are beginning to see "Marino gardens" pop up here and there in all sorts of places.

Basically, Marino gardening boils down to a "do your own thing approach" to garden design and layout.  The only constraints are that you need to make sure each plant has sufficient light, soil and space to grow and prosper on its own.  The possibilities are endless, and the only boundaries are Nature itself and our own creativity.